Welcome to my Jottings

On my previous website I didn't have a blog page. There were times I thought I might like to write something in case you, the reader, dropped by and felt like staying for a bit, but I never did follow through. So, this time, I’ve decided to have this space, not so much for blog posts, but for interesting snippets and jottings that you may like, or find interesting.

So, what can you expect? Well … I’m not really sure yet. But, I’m thinking I may pop the odd short story, or few paragraphs of a possible story, here. I might also write something that shows up as a theme in some of my books. Sometimes, I find a really good quote that I’d like to share, and that may turn up here :). Lets’ see what happens shall we?

Regardless, I hope you find something that makes your day better - or at least more interesting! And, if it does, then I’d love to hear from you about that. You can contact me by email, or on my Facebook page, or on Instagram.


Today is a new day